
Education is the key to success, particularly for Chicago. CempelITC and President Erik Cempel support the community by supporting the following organizations that focus on education, job skills, and professional development.

Rotary Club of Chicago
Erik Cempel is Past President of the Rotary Club of Chicago. The Rotary movement began right here in Chicago, in 1905, when a small group of businessmen formed a charitable organization dedicated to serving their community and fostering fellowship among members of the professional community.
Today, the Rotary Club of Chicago boasts nearly 200 members who continue to meet on a weekly basis, a dedicated Foundation (the ROTARY/One Foundation, Inc.), a vibrant calendar of guest speakers, and strong participation in service projects both in Chicago and across the world. Local signature service projects focus heavily on education and job skills development.

Chicago Engineers’ Foundation
Erik Cempel is Past President of the Chicago Engineers’ Foundation of the Union League Club of Chicago. The mission of the Chicago Engineers’ Foundation is to encourage and empower young people to become the next generation of engineers through scholarship opportunities, outreach to educational institutions, and promoting interest in engineering careers. Since 1969, the Chicago Engineers’ Foundation (CEF) has empowered Chicago’s future engineers with scholarship awards to support their college studies.  In addition to financial awards, CEF provides a variety of K-12 outreach activities across the city, as well as career development activities for award recipients.

Institute of Transportation Engineers
Erik Cempel is a past board member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Illinois Section and CempelITC is a Section sponsor. Erik further participates at the international level as a Advocacy Committee member. ITE is an international professional society of engineers, planners, and others responsible for the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on our streets, highways, and transit systems. The Section provide networking opportunities through monthly luncheons, technical webinars, happy hours, and other technical and social events. The Section also provides scholarships and awards to Illinois college students in the transportation field.

Young Professionals in Transportation
Erik Cempel founded YPT-Chicago in March 2012 for young professionals in the Chicago area. YPT aims to provide their members with career guidance, fellowship, and networking opportunities through speaking events and presentations by leaders in the transportation field, technical tours, happy hours, and other educational and social events.